Make sure you pay attention to how you are applying points to your pet. Once you apply Training Points to your pet, they cannot be undone! This will open up the Animal Training Menu. From this menu, you can look at available abilities, increase stats and resists, and apply powerscrolls to your pet. To begin applying points, use Animal Lore on your pet your pet and click the blue dot at the bottom of the window for 'Pet Training Options'. This will give you an idea of how points are applied, and what your pet will be capable of once fully trained. We also strongly recommend that you enter your pet into our Pet Planner Tool and play around with adding points to the pet before you apply any training in-game. If your pet is not ready to begin applying training points, please see the first article in the series: Beginning Animal Training This guide will not cover specific pet builds, but rather a general purpose guide you can follow to make a successful pet. This guide is designed to help you get a basic understanding of what makes a good pet, and how to be successful in applying training points to your pets. Patrick's Day Clicky - Get Your Leprechaun!
*SPOILERS* Datamining March 22nd, 2022 Patch.How To Train a 1-Slot Pet at Crazed Mage.